This is my second year helping the parents of the SAM fraternity brothers with their graduation bash.  People often ask me on event days if I’m stressed out or if I find my job stressful in general.  Typically my answer is no, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little stressed out when I arrived at the house on Friday.  As we could have predicted, there was a pretty big party at the house earlier in the week and there was a lot of work to do, but by the time we got to the party, you never would have guessed that place was home to 30 or so college guys.  And the details that the moms on the planning committee had put together were great.  An amazing menu with local favorites like Ian’s pizza by the slice and famous deep fried cheese curds was complemented by festive balloons, bright red linens, and cute Bucky themed desserts.  It was really a fun celebration on a beautiful day at the lake house.  The real VIP of making the party possible was Diana and her crew from R&V Cleaning Solutions.  If you ever need someone to clean up a big mess (or even a smaller one) I highly recommend them!

Photos by Kirby Wright Photography

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